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You have your big players in the cloud like Amazon and Rackspace. Then, there’s with. They are relatively new to the cloud computing scene but, they aren’t a new company.

您拥有像Amazon和Rackspace这样的大型企业。 然后是带有的 。 在云计算领域,它们相对较新,但它们并不是一家新公司。

Founded in 1997 they now have 3 datacenters here in Michigan and a 4th in Arizona. The Storm products include Storm Servers (Cloud Servers), Storm Bare Metal Servers (Dedicated Servers with a twist) and Load Balancers.

他们成立于1997年,现在在密歇根州拥有3个数据中心,在亚利桑那州拥有4个数据中心。 Storm产品包括Storm服务器(云服务器),Storm Bare Metal服务器(带有扭曲的专用服务器)和负载平衡器。

伺服器 (Servers)

The range Storm offers is somewhat limited to the more common Linux distributions.


They offer three versions of CentOS 5.5.

他们提供了三个版本的CentOS 5.5。

  • Core-Managed (Support with a LAMP stack) (+$20.00)

    核心管理(LAMP堆栈支持)(+ $ 20.00)
  • Fully-Managed with Cpanel (+$20.00)

    使用Cpanel全面管理(+ $ 20.00)
  • Self Managed


They offer a few Debian based images in addition.


  • Debian 5.0

    Debian 5.0
  • Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

    Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 9.04

    Ubuntu 9.04
  • Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

    Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

Once you have your server up and running you can create a backup to spin up any additional servers.


Currently, they only have one zone to create servers in. Hopefully with the commissioning of the Arizona datacenter we will have another one.


差异 (The Differences)

There are several great features Storm has that others don’t. The control panel is awesome. There are many automated areas that, with other companies, a help desk ticket might be necessary. It’s also useful and feature rich.

Storm具有许多其他人没有的出色功能。 控制面板很棒。 与其他公司一样,在许多自动化领域中,可能需要帮助台票。 它也很有用,功能丰富。

仪表板 (The Dashboard)

I have tried several cloud computing services and these guys and gals provide what I consider the best dashboard to date. The dashboard contains a lot of great information on one screen without making it look cluttered.

我已经尝试了几种云计算服务,这些人和gal提供了我认为迄今为止最好的仪表板。 仪表板在一个屏幕上包含许多重要信息,而不会显得混乱。

dashboard image

网络监控 (Network Monitoring)

We are all used to the “your server is up” message. The host can connect to the instance. It can even ping it. But w hat if you don’t allow the server to be pinged? With Storm you can choose between ping, HTTP, DNS, SMTP, SSH and MySQL. Storm also provides a list of monitoring servers so you can poke holes in your firewall if need be. When the server stops responding to the monitor you get an email altering you to something being wrong. It might not be the most poweful service out there but it’s built in at no additional cost.

我们都习惯了“您的服务器已启动”消息。 主机可以连接到实例。 它甚至可以ping通它。 但是,如果您不允许对服务器执行ping操作,那又会怎样呢? 使用Storm,您可以在ping,HTTP,DNS,SMTP,SSH和MySQL之间进行选择。 Storm还提供了监视服务器列表,因此您可以根据需要在防火墙中戳破漏洞。 当服务器停止响应监视器时,您会收到一封电子邮件,将您更改为错误。 它可能不是最强大的服务,但它是内置的,无需额外费用。

风暴防火墙 (The Storm Firewall)

Next, Storm provides an easy to use firewall built-in to their control panel. This firewall is not loaded on your server, it’s a part of their network. No messing with ip tables if you don’t want to.

接下来,Storm在其控制面板中提供了易于使用的内置防火墙。 此防火墙未加载到您的服务器上,它是其网络的一部分。 如果您不想的话,也不要弄乱ip表。

If you’re feeling confident, leave the firewall turned off. If you want to work on the safe side you can turn the basic firewall on, which is as easy as selecting checkboxes of the services you want available to the network.

如果您有信心,请关闭防火墙。 如果您希望安全起见,则可以打开基本防火墙,这就像选择希望网络可用的服务复选框一样简单。

If you are a more advanced user or run services on non-standard ports you can use the advanced firewall where you can fine tune it, again, in a simplified fashion. By using the advanced firewall you are able to save your configuration as a set, allowing you to easily deploy the configuration to your other Storm servers. It’s as easy as selecting to use a previously saved firewall config and then choosing the right one. (not seen in the image below)

如果您是高级用户,或者在非标准端口上运行服务,则可以使用高级防火墙,在此您可以再次以简化的方式对其进行微调。 通过使用高级防火墙,您可以将配置保存为一组,从而可以轻松地将配置部署到其他Storm服务器。 就像选择使用以前保存的防火墙配置,然后选择正确的配置一样简单。 (下图中未显示)

firewall image

2011年11月21日您在哪里? (Where Were You on November 21, 2011?)

You may or may not remember. Storm remembers what actions were taken on your server through their control panel. It even remembers if their monitoring service couldn’t access it and even color coordinate the events. In the image below you can see, in blue, my firewall rules are being updated and in orange my server is no longer responding to a ping. Using the history tab in the dashboard you can see all the events that have been posted to your account and server.

您可能会或可能不会记得。 Storm会记住通过其控制面板对服务器执行的操作。 它甚至还记得他们的监视服务是否无法访问它甚至对事件进行颜色协调。 在下面的图像中,您可以看到蓝色的我的防火墙规则正在更新,而橙色的我的服务器不再响应ping。 使用仪表板中的“历史记录”选项卡,您可以查看已发布到您的帐户和服务器的所有事件。

event history

裸机服务器 (Bare Metal Servers)

Physical computing meets cloud computing with Storm’s Bare Metal Servers. We can already spin up a new Cloud Server, Storm Server or EC2 Instance in a matter of minutes. What if you could “spin up” a new physical server in a matter of minutes? That’s what Bare Metal Servers are. Need a dedicated system with 2GB of ram? They have it. Need one with 96GB of ram? !

Storm的Bare Metal Servers使物理计算与云计算相遇。 我们已经可以在几分钟之内启动一个新的Cloud Server,Storm Server或EC2实例。 如果您可以在几分钟内“启动”新的物理服务器怎么办? 那就是裸机服务器。 需要一个带有2GB内存的专用系统吗? 他们有它。 需要一个带有96GB RAM的硬盘吗? !

API! API在哪里? (The API! Where is the API?)

The API documentation can be accessed through their . A word of caution if you use it. Their API is in beta testing and parts might be renamed or moved. Their documentation is also similar to a beta product. While it does exist, it’s not thorough and they only have code samples in Perl.

可以通过其访问API文档。 使用时要小心。 他们的API正在Beta测试中,并且部件可能会重命名或移动。 他们的文档也类似于Beta产品。 尽管确实存在,但并不全面,他们在Perl中仅包含代码示例。

The functionality of their API is quite nice. You have the normal authentication/tokens, view/create/destroy servers and the normal method you would expect from a cloud service. They also allow you to update your billing information, newsletter subscriptions and basically anything you can do in their control panel, through the API.

他们的API的功能非常不错。 您拥有正常的身份验证/令牌,查看/创建/销毁服务器以及希望从云服务获得的正常方法。 它们还允许您通过API更新帐单信息,时事通讯订阅以及基本上可以在其控制面板中执行的任何操作。

全部花费什么? (What Does It All Cost?)

Storm takes a slightly different approach to their billing methodology. They follow the hourly pricing starting out at $0.05 per hour up to $1.37 per hour. Where it differs is they charge you upfront for the billing period and refund you if you don’t keep it around the entire time.

Storm在其计费方法上采用了略有不同的方法。 他们遵循每小时定价,每小时0.05美元,最高1.37美元。 不同之处在于,他们会在计费期间向您收取预付款,如果您在整个时间段内都没有保留费用,则会退款给您。

伺服器 (Servers)
Plan RAM Disk CPUs Cost
1GB 0.9GB 75GB 1 $35/mo ($0.05/hr)
2GB 1.7GB 150GB 1 $50/mo ($0.07/hr)
8GB 6.9GB 600GB 4 $200/mo ($0.27/hr)
计划 内存 磁碟 中央处理器 成本
1GB 0.9GB 75GB 1个 $ 35 / mo($ 0.05 / hr)
2GB 1.7GB 150GB 1个 $ 50 / mo($ 0.07 / hr)
8GB 6.9GB 600GB 4 $ 200 / mo($ 0.27 / hr)
带宽 (Bandwidth)

You can pay per gigabyte of bandwidth or buy a “bundle” of bandwidth. Bundled packages start at 250GB for $10.00 per month. If you go buy the bundle you can save a little bit assuming you use all of it.

您可以按每GB带宽付费,也可以购买“捆绑”带宽。 捆绑的软件包起价为250GB,每月$ 10.00。 如果您去购买捆绑包,假设您已使用所有捆绑包,则可以节省一些。

Recently Storm lowered their prices and paying per GB, you can really take advantage of it.


  • Inbound


    • Old: $0.08/GB

      旧:$ 0.08 / GB
    • New: FREE

      新: 免费

  • Outbound:


    • Old: $0.15/GB

      旧:$ 0.15 / GB
    • New: $0.05

      新品: 0.05美元

后备 (Backups)

Additionally you can buy additional space for backups. Going this route you can pay per gigabyte or buy a block of disk space. Doing this Storm will create daily backup images of your Storm Server. If you need to deploy an new Storm Server you can do so from your backups as well.

此外,您可以购买额外的备份空间。 按照这种方式,您可以按千兆字节付费或购买一块磁盘空间。 执行此Storm将创建Storm Server的每日备份映像。 如果您需要部署新的Storm Server,也可以从备份中进行部署。

For more plans see the


冲入城堡 (Storming the Castle)

In order to use the products Storm has to offer you of course need an account. The signup is relatively painless. It requires your username, password, email and typical billing information. Once you’ve finished the signup process a support person from Storm will call to verify you are an actual person. Once your account is activated it’s time to login and and hit the green “Create a New Server” at the top left.

为了使用Storm所提供的产品,您当然需要一个帐户。 注册是相对简单的。 它需要您的用户名,密码,电子邮件和典型的账单信息。 完成注册过程后,Storm的支持人员将致电确认您是真实的人。 激活帐户后,就可以登录并点击左上方的绿色“创建新服务器”。

利用风暴 (Leverage the Storm)

Follow them at . Every once in a while they throw out credits so you can try their service for free. If you look around the internet you can easily find them as well.

在关注他们。 他们偶尔会不计其数,因此您可以免费试用他们的服务。 如果您环顾互联网,也可以轻松找到它们。

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图片 /



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